Allegro 2: Corso Multimediale D’italiano
Allegro is designed for young people and adults who want to learn the language and learn about contemporary Italian life and culture in a stimulating way. It develops students communication competence with review and reinforcement of already learned structures. The clear structure, modern page layout, revision units, wide range of activities, thorough teaching guide and the audio CD all make Allegro a complete course.
Allegro offers a combined student textbook and workbook in one volume to make study more practical and effective; a clear systematic structure in 12 units (including 4 review units); a grammar summary and review of newly presented communicative structures; and a wide variety of exercises;. Throughout, the focus is on spoken competence using motivating games and activities that stimulate the learning process.
That’s Allegro is the English version of Allegro. It contains all instructions and grammatical notes in English and there is an English glossary included in the book. The content and structure of the course is identical to the monolingual version, and includes exercise chapters and an audio CD. Both versions could be used in the same classroom. Each student package includes a student book, workbook and audio CD (with dialogues, listening activities and pronunciation exercises). The supplementary exercises and teacher’s guide from Allegro also accompany That’s Allegro.
Allegro 2: Corso Multimediale D’italiano